Many businesses in Australia still use classical marketing KPIs like clicks, CPA, unique visits or page views... all of which are vanity metrics that do not reveal anything about the health and efficiency of a business. Instead businesses should use actionable metrics like conversion rates and efficiency factors to analyse whether or not a marketing channels performs well. At ParcelPush we always do AB testing based on actionable metrics and we encourage our network partners to UTM tag the whole customer journey to see what value is created during each step... In additional actionable metrics help to establish a fair attribution model and to analyse how leads from channel A converted in a channel B, C or D... At Ad Tech Sydney on 18th March 2014 we presented the attached presentation. Please contact [email protected] in case you would like to receive further excel calculators or attribution model readings in PDF format and we are happy to send it to you.
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How To Design The Perfect Flyer With a Voucher Offer - 5 Step Guide With Tips For Online Retailers11/6/2013
Best Practice Example
The ParcelPush team has designed and analysed hundreds of voucher flyer creatives over time and shares with you a 5-step guide about how to design the perfect flyer with a voucher code offer on it in order to get the highest possible conversion rate results for your webshop: Step 1: Print Size And Weight We have found a DL-sized format (99x210mm) at 150gsm or 175gsm to work the best for the following reasons:
Step 2: Copy writing And Text Elements
The copy of your flyer is crucial and these are the standard elements that need to be worded according to your brand guidelines:
Step 3: Define Your Offer And Set Up The Right Conversion Tracking This is probably the most important part, which many advertisers still get wrong although all marketing should really be made trackable. Always use these three elements for a flyer with a voucher code offer on it:
Step 4: Design and Layout You need a graphics designer or an agency like ParcelPush, who is experienced in Photoshop to get this right as the design really makes a difference. Here are our design tips to get it right:
Step 5: Create And Test Different Versions Of Your Flyer By Measuring Results Graphics Designers need to think like managers or entrepreneurs in today's data-driven world and need to find ways to learn and iterate designs quickly. Hence there is no way around AB testing different designs. Here are a few tips how to do design AB testing correctly:
February 27th, 2013: ParcelPush, the insert marketing specialist based in Sydney has launched Australia’s first advertising network for e-commerce parcel inserts under already distributing over 200,000 inserts per month. Inserts into e-commerce packages are a targeted way for advertisers in attracting new customers among online shoppers and especially baby boomers through direct marketing or national brand campaigns. The flyers, samples or vouchers reach the consumer in a positive moment and show high conversion rates especially in conjunction with a coupon offer. In addition Australian online retailers and eBay powersellers of any size can now connect with advertisers through ParcelPush and leverage inserts as an attractive way to reduce shipping costs while giving value to their customers with attractive offers. Everyone benefits by bundling insert capacities through the ParcelPush network: online retailers benefit by making additional revenue through inserts while providing a value-add to their customers, advertisers can reach out to active online shoppers by targeting specific product categories through large nation-wide campaigns across Australia and New Zealand. E-commerce insert marketing was pioneered in the US and Europe through Amazon and even reached the European e-commerce long-tail in the last few years. The largest proportion of e-commerce shipments are handled by small to medium sellers and online shops. About ParcelPush ParcelPush is the insert marketing specialist around e-commerce parcels who brings online retailers and advertisers together. ParcelPush Pty Ltd is based in Sydney, NSW and was founded in 2012 by Craig Morris, an experienced general manager and e-commerce entrepreneur Bjorn Behrendt, who also is a co-founder of For further information please contact Website: Tel: 1300 436 806 Twitter: Emails: [email protected] Download press release as PDF
We just launched our new network pages where our advertising and retailing partners can view updates around the latest distribution and insert opportunities. This solution is designed also for the long-tail of e-commerce e.g. all online shops or eBay powersellers can participate with a minimum monthly shipping volume of 500 orders.
We have an exciting news for advertisers: We have now grown 200,000 monthly insert opportunities and the first slots of up to 5 flyers per insert have already been sold. Founding DayToday was a big day for ParcelPush since we celebrated our founding day 27/11/2012 in our office in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney. We are excited to offer Australian advertisers a new innovative marketing service around the distribution of flyers and samples plus to establish a network of powerful retailers that surprise their customers with value-adding inserts. More soon...
ParcelPush BlogWe are based in Sydney and serve large Australian marketing agencies and advertisers while cooperating with online retailers across AU and NZ. Categories
March 2023
"The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been, into every corner of our minds." |